Event Notice

Why Do You Need to Fill Out This Form

The lands of the Lancaster Conservancy are open to the public 365 days a year from sunrise to sunset, free of charge. The Conservancy strives to strike a balance in its dual mission to protect natural lands while providing opportunities for passive recreation. Events taking place on Conservancy lands have the potential to create an impact and require careful planning and coordination between event organizers and Conservancy staff. To help mitigate the impact of events that go beyond routine use of our lands, the Conservancy requires that any party interested in hosting an event on Conservancy lands must complete and secure approval of this Notice of Event.

Events include any activity whose scope goes beyond routine visitation and may be further defined by the intention of the activity, the number of participants, the number of vehicles, the occupation of an area, the rental of a facility, an environmental impact (as determined by Conservancy staff), or the disturbance of wildlife or other visitors.

Examples of events that require an Event Notice include, but are not limited to:

  • An event that needs use of our Climbers Run Nature Center.
  • An event that seeks to provide financial benefit (such as a paid event, fundraiser, or paid professional service) or other benefit to a specific individual, group, or organization, including (but not limited to): commercial/professional photo shoot, fundraiser, team building, organized trail race or hike, planned group activity (i.e. schools, senior groups, interest group, clubs, academic visits, etc).
  • An event that may require Conservancy management or staff support prior to, during, or after its occurrence.
  • Any planned activity that requires the transport or parking of a vehicle larger than a 15-passanger van (including shuttles or buses) OR 5 or more vehicles.

Deadline & Response Time

Please supply the information requested below at least 30 days prior to your proposed event.  You will be notified of the status of the review of this form within 2 weeks of receipt and advised of any additional necessary steps to complete your Notice of Event.

While there is no fee for filing a Notice of Event, reviewing the application takes time and resources. A donation, while not required, will help cover the cost of processing your application and is very much appreciated. The Conservancy is a 501(c) 3 accredited land trust and we can only protect, preserve, and maintain lands for the public with your support.

Please Note

  • Your Notice of Event requires proof of liability insurance naming the Lancaster County Conservancy as an additional insured. It may require the payment of cost recovery charges.
  • Leave No Trace is a strict requirement of the use of Conservancy lands.

A Special Note on Pinnacle Overlook

Pinnacle Overlook is owned and managed by the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.  Holding an organized group event or special activity at the Pinnacle Overlook requires written permission from PA DCNR, which can be obtained by contacting Susquehannock State Park via the parks webpage or PA DCNR’s event page.

IF UNSURE, CONTACT: kwilliams@lancasterconservancy.org or call (717) 392-7891 x 212

Event Notice Form