Phenology Project: Protocols Training

May 2024

05may9:00 AM3:00 PMPhenology Project: Protocols TrainingPart of the Phenology Community Science Project collectionClimbers Run Nature Center



Phenology is the science of seasonal change in nature, using observations collected over time to see how these changes affect flora and fauna. In partnership with the USGS Phenology Network and Nature’s Notebook, this workshop will teach you the science of phenology and how you can collect and contribute your own observations as a volunteer scientist. Phenology volunteers will track seasonal changes on Lancaster Conservancy’s Mill Creek, Welsh, and Clark nature preserves using the digital data collection resources of the National Phenology Network. This information helps us to be better stewards of our living, ecological communities and helps our stewardship team make management decisions. We’ll learn how to use tracking software via cell phone, laptop, or tablet. You’ll need to open a free account with Nature’s Notebook and join the Lancaster Conservancy sites you are most likely to visit regularly. The data we collect is not only useful to us, but to hundreds of phenology projects around the region and nation.

Learn more about this community science project at

What to Expect: This event is for ages 12 and up (participants under 18 must be accompanied by an adult). We’ll meet both indoors and out throughout the day. Dress for the weather and for easy, short strolls along Climbers Run trails. Restroom available on site.

What to Bring: Bring a tablet, phone, and/or laptop that can connect to wifi in order to set up accounts, log observations and access training. Bring lunch and a beverage.

Refund Policy: If you are unable to attend this event after purchasing a ticket, refund requests must be made at least 48 hours before the event.

Cancellation Policy: This event will be held rain or shine, with cancellation for severe weather made at the time of the event. If the Conservancy reschedules the event, attendees will be emailed and tickets will be automatically moved to the new date. If the Conservancy cancels the event, attendees will be notified via email when possible and refunded.


(Sunday) 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Climbers Run Nature Center

226 Frogtown Road