Winter transforms our landscape, exposing new views when the foliage disappears. Squirrels and birds dart and chatter among the bare trees. Streams may freeze, and trails may be... read more →
Winter with all its blustery cold is a good time to hike among the sheltering trees. It’s a great time... read more →
You probably know the Conservancy through our nature preserves like Clark, Kellys Run, and Wizard Ranch. Maybe you’ve attended our educational programs or fundraising celebrations. But less often seen is the team of motivated,... read more →
Welcoming Students into Nature By Keith Williams, Vice President of Engagement & Education There is an extinction of experience taking place, with adults and youth spending... read more →
In the new year, as we reflect on our values and recommit to our goals, why not include nature in your New Year’s resolutions? Our natural lands protect... read more →
Despite the chill in the air and the dimming daylight hours, there... read more →
Washington, D.C./Chanceford Township, Pa. – Today a coalition of conservation, recreation, and environmental organizations filed a petition for rehearing as a first step in its challenge to the decision... read more →
All nature preserves are open to hiking and nature study during the hunting season. While hunting is an important conservation tool, we strive to strike a balance between recreational demands,... read more →
Washington, D.C./Chanceford Township, Pa. – Today, November 21, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted York Energy Storage a preliminary permit to study the construction of a pumped... read more →
Conserving contiguous natural lands to create corridors of habitat for wildlife and human recreation is one of Lancaster Conservancy’s highest land protection priorities. Often that process happens one... read more →