Windolph Landing Nature Preserve

About This Preserve

Ecology and Management

Windolph Landing is managed for its passive recreation being of highest and best use.

Windolph Landing is underlain with limestone bedrock which seeps groundwater across a hillside directly into the Conestoga River. These seeps provide microclimates and unique habitats for an array of flora and fauna including a stunning spring display of Virginia bluebells. The uplands are relatively dry and consist of mixed hardwoods. The lowlands consist of vegetation typical of our region’s flood plains including box elder, hackberry, and a blanket of stinging nettle.


Windolph Landing overlooks the Conestoga River which empties into the Susquehanna River just beneath the Safe Harbor Dam.

Hunting Information

Windolph Landing Nature Preserve is open to Archery-Only; all other lands along the Turkey Hill Trail are private. Respect property boundaries and safety zones. All Pennsylvania Game Commission Rules and Regulations apply. See ‘Where to Hunt’ for more details.

Report Hunting Violations: PA Game Commission Centralized Dispatch Center at 1-833-PGC-HUNT (1-833-742-4868) or 1-833-PGC-WILD (1-833-742-9453)

Acquisition History

The Hurst Brothers Development Company donated the first tract in Windolph Landing to the Conservancy in 1992, on which the Conservancy already held a conservation easement. The Conservancy acquired the remaining lands in 2006 with funding from the PA Department of Natural Resources and the Natural Lands Preservation Fund of Lancaster County. .


Parking. Preserve sign. Trails.

Prevent Tick Borne Illness!

  • Wear repellent
  • Check for ticks after your visit
  • Shower soon after being outdoors
  • Call your doctor if you get a fever or rash

For more information visit

Spotted Lanternfly Alert!

Lancaster County is a Spotted Lanternfly quarantine area. This highly invasive insect is a serious threat to the health of our forests.

What you can do to help:

  1. Report spotted lanternfly sightings to Penn State Extension or call 1-888-4BADFLY.
  2. Stop the Spread. Look before you leave! Check gear, vehicles, and trailers.
  3. Smash them, bash them, kill them dead.
  4. Scrap and smash egg masses.

Emergency Information

In case of emergency, call 911

Nearest Hospital – 3.1 miles away
Penn Medicine Lancaster General Hospital

555 N. Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17602

Additional Resources

Lancaster Township Fire Department

Manheim Township Police Department